The term suicide can be defined as,"an act of intentionally causing one's own death".
A thought that ends in death of not only the one who has parted but, also a part of those who have been left behind. The human mind is a complex concoction of emotions. The thoughts of one is invariably connected to another being. Numerous researches have shown the connection and the pain that is felt by the pet animals of the departed soul, hence, it doesn't matter whether it is another fellow human or being from another species, the loss is felt by the one who is living, who is left behind in this world.
If one looks into the process leading to the suicide one can see that there are many factors associated with it. This association varies from the underlying cause that leads to the end.
The following are the most common causes of suicide:
- Mental Illness:
Depression - These people feel a sense of hopelessness, emptiness a void in their life, which they are not able to fill up. The thought processes gets stuck at their worthlessness. For a healthy individual these thoughts would also occur but it is not a fixed one, it could be said as low spirits or feeling in low mood, after some time they will be able to get back to their normal self, sadly, this bouncing back is not seen in depressed people.
Schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, post traumatic conditions, obsessive compulsive disorders, personality disorders and other psychotic conditions also plays a major part as the risk factors of suicide.
- Self harm or prior attempts:
These can be taken as an indicator of suicidal tendency also, it is the cry for attention and love by the person. In today's fast paced life it is easy to get many materialistic things to occupy mind but very difficult to find companionship that is healthy and nurturing. This neglect from childhood/adolescence would make oneself to seek love and care from outside one's family. If it ends in tragedy the mind finds it difficult to grapple the loss and they venture into cry for attention. Their intention is not to commit grievous harm but sometimes they miscalculate the seriousness of the method of harm and sadly, end up losing their life.
- Substance abuse:
These people become impulsive in their actions. The drugs and alcohol have an effect of heightening once response to emotional hurt or issues. In their impulsiveness they would attempt suicide and would seriously regret when they would have sobered up. However, once drunk again they would be again predisposed to commit suicide or may not attempt.This unpredictability makes it a dangerous risk factor.
- Severe life threatening medical conditions:
Like cancer, SLE, kidney failure, Paralysis etc, where the person is suffering from severe pain and hopelessness of recovery. They would feel to end everything in their own terms, rather than to continue suffering like this. This mind set would cause them to commit suicide and relieve not only themselves but also their caretakers from the pain and burden of looking after them.
- Psycho-social factors:
Each person perceives things based on their genetics, upbringing, socio-economic status, experiences etc.
Bullying- In recent times the bullying can be seen as a major cause in pushing the vulnerable adolescents to end their life. Adolescence is a stage where the hormones are raging and the one struggles to get a grip over one's own mind.
Sexual and child abuse
Guilty conscience/ Ashamed of their actions: Committed a mistake or crime which they find it difficulty to face and cope.
Poverty etc.
Homeopathic medicines that are helpful in managing suicidal tendencies.
- Arsenic Album: Anxious, perfectionists and insecure people who gets into the depressed state because their high expectations are not met. Demanding,suspicious, dependent people when ill with anxiety about their health.
- Alumina: Low spirited people who fears loss of their reason. Confusion of their personal identity. moody, suicidal tendency when seeing knife or blood.
- Aurum met: Mental state of great depression. Hopelessness, despair and a great tendency to commit suicide is seen. They seek every opportunity for self destruction. They may resort to self harm as they feel worthless and profound self condemnation. They talk about committing suicide and have disgust towards life and living.
- Anacardium: A very good remedy for schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, personality disorders etc. They have fixed ideas. Hallucinations, feels as if he is possessed of two persons or wills.(William Boericke). They get very easily offended and uses swear words. Their is suicidal tendency by shooting. They would claim to hear voices of dead people.
- Antimonium crude: Fretful and easily irritable people. Worried about their fate and feeling of despair and dissatisfaction surrounds them. they are sentimental people with suicidal tendency.
- Fuligo Ligni: Remedy basically for cancer of epithelium, scrotum-chimney sweeper's cancer(William boericke), uterine cancer etc. Apt for people suffering from serious medical conditions showing inclination to end their life in order to escape from the sufferings and pain.
- Ignatia: It is suitable for hysterical personalities who act very impulsively. They are of nervous temperament and sensitive with quick perception.Usually suicidal during the stage of grief, disappointment and shock.
- Kali bromatum: Melancholic people who have religious depression. These people might suffer from psychotic conditions where they might feel others are hatching conspiracies against them. They fear of getting poisoned, suffer night terrors and illusions. Suicidal as they are unaware of their actions due to their mental illness.
- Naja Tripudians: Depressed people who broods constantly, overthinking and over imaginary troubles. Are afraid of being alone and suffer from suicidal insanity (Aurum met).
- Natrum sulph: Reserved people who suffers from attacks of mania, periodically. Have suicidal tendency which they can get under control when they are physically active. Melancholia and depression is also seen.
- Psorinum: Very weak people both mentally and physically. Hopelessness runs in their life. They feel melancholia which is deep and persistent along with suicidal tendency.
- Staphysagria: Violent bursts of passion with suicidal tendency. oversensitiveness to others opinion. Suicidal thoughts with fear of death. Suicide by drowning or shooting due to profound sadness or anger from insults.
- Veratrum album: Suitable for people suffering from mania. Especially puerperal mania. They are lost in their own world. Having sullen indifference, blank expressions. Melancholia , delusions, cursing, howling, mania with a desire to cut and tear things (William boericke)
Almost all major Constitutional medicines like: Natrum mur, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, Calcarea carb, Sepia, Rhus tox, Carcinosin, Phosphorus can be considered and used effectively for the management of suicidal tendencies.
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